Monday, June 11, 2012

Training: May 28 - June 3

Monday, May 28: GEHC Trails – 8 miles – Typical morning run. Up and around the GEHC and down to the greenway, out and back. Still feeling the busy weekend in my legs a little bit.

Tuesday, May 29: GEHC Trails - 8 miles – Normal morning run. I’ve got this run pretty dialed in as I’ve been hitting it between 57-59 minutes on most mornings without putting in a whole lot of effort. Unfortunately they are not really very exciting to blog about, just a standard put the work in eight miler. I am in a good rhythm though, as much as I would love to sleep in until 7 once in a while I am really enjoying getting out and getting a run in early. It is allowing me to add extra miles in the afternoon if I choose or to go on with my day without knowing I need to get out and run at some point in the day. I feel like that is how running becomes a chore, when you feel like you have get a run in and it’s hanging over your head. I’ll have that feeling once in a while but since I’ve moved down here I’ve been better at just enjoying it. /rant.

Wednesday, May 30: GEHC Trails – 8 miles – Took it nice an easy this morning. I have a workout planned for tonight, but I wanted to make sure I got a solid run in easy just in case anything comes up at work.

PM Run – Suwanee Creek Greenway – 12 miles – 30-60-90s – I ended up running a little longer than I had originally planned, but it was good to finally get a mid-week workout in. I didn’t realize they had added 1.25 miles to the end of the trail making it 10.5 out and back instead of 8. I started at the George Pierce Park rec center, ran down to the start of the Greenway then ran out and back on the greenway and back to my car with 8 sets of 30-60-90s in the middle. They are still doing a little bit of construction just before Suwanee town center but I hopped the fences and ran along the dirt path that they will eventually pave. It’s a little ridiculous that I am hopping fences as a 27 year old, if they can’t take a joke…anyhow; the workout went pretty well for about 10 miles. I was running solid on my pickups and my rest was pretty good, it could have been better but by the time I made the turn I was starting to tire out a little bit. The last two miles were really tough. I did not run in a strong as I would have liked but I think that was a result of running 8 in the morning. 20 miles for the day was a little more than I was really prepared for.

Ran in my Type A5s for the first time, I liked them. They are nice and light and they fit well. A really comfortable ride for a racing flat.

Thursday, May 31: GEHC Trails – 8 miles – GAAAAAHHHH…my calves are insanely tight this morning. Probably a result of running 12 miles in racing flats, maybe not my best idea. I knew I was going to pay for running 20 miles yesterday. My legs loosened up a little bit as I went on, but I had to stop at the GEHC, at the pavilion by the apartment and at the tunnel to stretch out my calves. Other than tight calves though I felt alright for having run a long workout yesterday, a little sluggish and slow to start but okay once I got going.

PM Run – GEHC Trails - 3 miles – Normal three mile loop after work. It probably would have been smarter to run five and five today instead of eight and three as my calves were still really tight and didn’t loosen up all that much over the three miles. Hopefully I didn’t overdo it on Wednesday.

I hit an even 300 miles for the month of May. I know that’s not a ton of miles, but it’s better than my May last year and I’ve been increasing my mileage every month since I refocused my training in January. For the year I’m at 1,204 miles. Not crazy, but that’s about 240 miles a month, which I’m pretty happy with. I feel like the last couple of months have really helped me feel like I can train and race well during the offseason…now if I can just figure out how to stay in some kind of shape during the season at work.

Friday, June 1: GEHC Trails – 8 miles – Normal route, up homesite to creekside and around the GEHC, down sweetgum then out and back on the greenway for eight. Just going with one run today, as I’m going to run the Run the Rails road race in historic Buford tomorrow. I want to see what I can run on the road for 10k; hopefully it will be something good. I need it after a crappy race at Mt. Tabor and then the abomination that was the Sutalle Trace race…which again was straight up and down miserable.

After work I headed down to historic downtown Buford to register for the race, but not before sitting in an express oil place for 2 hours while they changed my oil and replaced a rusted fuel filter. My car is running horribly right now and I definitely need to take it to a mechanic next week. When I signed up for the race the lady at registration asked me if I’d ever done the race before, I said not this one but I’ve done a bunch of others. She thanked me for signing up and then told me there was a hill around three miles and that I might want to pace myself, which I thought was kind of funny, but probably good advice since I haven’t run a road race in about a year.

Saturday, June 2: Run the Rails 10k – 10 miles total – I decided to do a local 10k in my base of operations (Buford, GA) to see if I could get myself back on track mentally and see what I could do in a road race. The last road race I ran was the Lahey Clinic “5k” last year around this time. I say “5k” because I ran 11:58. I’m just guessing but I think they may have cut it a mile short.

On to the race…it went really, really well. A lot better than what I was thinking. I figured I would be happy with something between 34 and 34:30 give or take a little bit depending on the temperature and the course. I ended up winning the race in 33:13, which is a road 10k PR (I know my road 10k PR was soft, something like 34:40 or something that I ran at the Hangover Classic six years ago).

The course was well laid out and pretty flat. It was two loops of the 5k course with some slight alterations. We started out at the Bona Allen Mansion and ran down along the train tracks through “downtown” for the first mile then back up a side street for mile two, which was a long gradual uphill. The course leveled back out as you pasted the starting area then ran out for a long way on another flat road before looping back and passing three miles. From there, you ran through a neighborhood and then back down main street, repeating the first and second miles then headed back out for a similar loop on the third/sixth mile. My only issue with the course was the weird 50-yard out and back we had to do on a side street just after the five mile mark and the fact that course was really crowded because of 5k lappers. After that it was smooth sailing to the finish.

I won a train whistle, which was kind of cool, but I was most pleased with my time and the fact that my splits where pretty even other than a little bit of a quick first mile (5:11ish) and what I am assuming was one short mile at, in terms of where the signs were placed, (5:02). I ran the 10k because I was worried I wouldn’t have the wheels to run fast enough to win the 5k but I think my splits where both faster than the 5k winner (16:58), however the kid that won was like 22, so he probably had more in the tank.

Run the Rails 10k Splits
Mile 1 – 5:11
Mile 2 – 5:30 (uphill)
Mile 3 – 5:36 (long maybe???)
Mile 4 – 5:02
Mile 5 – 5:27 (uphill)
Final 1.2 – 6:23
Total - 33:11 (33:13 official according to the awards ceremony)

I had 33:11 on my watch, so I must have stopped it a bit early, but I haven’t raced with a watch and tried to get splits in a while so forgive me. All in all it was a great race. It was good to get back out on the roads and feel like I was running fast. I still like the trails, but I think it’s clear that I’m a rhythm runner and I’m better suited for the roads. Maybe I will try and add more road races to my calendar in the fall.

I got to the race a little late and only warmed up and cooled down about 1.5 miles each. I added 10 minutes when I got back home because I could feel my calves tightening up. 10 for the day.

Sunday, June 3: Ft. Yargo State Park – 14 miles – When I stared this run I planned on going 7 to 10 but after finishing a loop on the hiking trail (7 miles) I felt okay and decided to keep it going and add a full second loop to get 14. I felt pretty good until the last two miles or so when I started to run out of gas.

Weekly Totals: 79 miles on 9 runs – This was a really good week for me. Not only does it give me two weeks over 70 miles but I also got in one good long workout (and one monster mileage day), but I also had a really good race. The race has definitely restored a little bit of confidence and getting my mileage up has me amped up for the final two Dirty Spokes races (Central Park and Sawnee Moutain). I had five straight weeks in the 50s and 60s, and I really think I run well around the 75-85 mpw mark, so it’s been good to get back up above 70 and 75 even. I’d like to keep that up for as long as I can, or at least until the end of June when the heat will start making afternoon runs a little bit less appealing. Next week’s goals are 70-75+ miles with a workout. No race next week. I’ll take a week off from that and then maybe try to jump in a 5k before Central Park.

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