Friday, June 15, 2012

Training June 4 - June 10

I’m falling behind on my blog again so I’m going to just write a quick recap of last week’s training, especially since there wasn’t really anything spectacular about it. I was pretty much exactly where I wanted to be mileage-wise this past week, honestly, I was probably a little higher than I anticipated. I got 78 miles in on 11 runs, which as I’ve mentioned before seems like a lot of trips out the door but not that high of a mileage total. I would think most people running 11 times in a week would probably tend to be in the 80-90 mile range or perhaps hitting 100+ territory, but because I really only have about an hour to run in the morning and depending on the day I am usually just doing a three mile shakeout in the afternoon. I feel like if/when I decided to train for a marathon I’ll be able to step up my second run, but for now I am just enjoying getting out there as much as I can. For what I am running these days 70-75 miles works pretty well.

I had a typical start to the week, but threw in a five mile afternoon run on Tuesday because I had a little bit of extra time. Wednesday was very similar to last week with an 8 miler in the morning and then a 10 mile 30-60-90 workout in the afternoon. I ran on the Suwanee greenway again, but this time I cut out the 2 or 3 miles of extra running that I did by starting at the actual trailhead. It wasn’t the fastest workout I’ve ever done by any means and my calves were still a little tight from the road race on Saturday, but it’s important for me to get in a more up tempo effort each week. I race much better when I do a workout and not just running each day (how crazy, right).

I only got a chance to run once on Thursday but made up for it with a double on Friday. I ran my normal 8 in the am then headed to Ft. Yargo and ran seven in the afternoon. I ran my second run at like 1:30 after running at 7 am so I probably didn’t give myself enough time to fully recover but I really wanted to get out there this week and I knew I wasn’t going to make it.

I Spent Saturday at the Red Bull Soap Box derby in Piedmont Park downtown with the McNamara’s, which was pretty cool. They invited me to go down with them at trivia on Thursday night and since Amanda had to work I figured why not? We got there early and got a chance to check out the course that had two “kickers” and a bunch of hay bale lined slalom turns. There wasn’t as much carnage as I was expecting due to a lack of speed from most of the cars, but it was fun to watch none the less. My favorite cars where the guys that made batman’s motorcycle from TDK, which came out of a cardboard version of his tumbler bat mobile, the guys that dressed like the Beastie Boys in the Sabotage video who had a police car looking cart (even thought it was totally weak sauce and didn’t make it all the way down) and the eventual winners from Sweetwater Brewing Co., who made a giant rainbow trout (that Pat Ard would have loved) car. I also dominated some cheese fries and had a peaches n cream popsicle from King of Pops that was soooooo good. Surprisingly, I did not have any Red Bull…probably for the best. Oh yeah, and I ran a quick five in the morning before we left, we also walked around a ton…Matt’s FuelBand said he’d earned like 500+ fuel points so that counts for something.

Sunday I stayed home and ran an easy eight miles. I knew I had the miles that I wanted for the week and as much as I wanted to get a longer run in the crappy weather made me feel like staying close to home and getting breakfast with Amanda instead of ditching her on back to back days in the morning. I made some sweet baby rays BBQ boneless ribs for dinner. They were pretty good but next time I’m slow cooking them on the O Grill instead of using the Foreman.

Weekly Totals: 78 miles on 11 runs

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